The Intrepid Teacher, aka Jabiz, had a technical issue comprising of a hack job to his comments file. Jabiz panicked and said that he felt isolated and he did not know what to do. Through his network of "techie" friends on Twitter, he was able to locate and fix the problem. Jabiz said he could have Googled the problem, but through a much quicker resource, Twitter, he was able to solve the problem. Or rather his friends could. Although he says he has never met these friends, he knows how valuable his network connections are.
The saying "It takes a village to raise a child," could be applied to this situation. The "village" was the network. Jabiz realized he was not alone and if he found a problem he could not solve, he knew he could look to his network of experts. The technology resources that we have today, have made communication which could be spread out over thousands of miles seem like right next door. The problem that Jabiz faced and the way in which it was solved was truly an act of collaboration of a village.
The Art of Creation
In his latest post, Jabiz writes about the latest social website, Google +. He says it has caused him some anxiety. Jabiz says he wants to stay true to his what he feels and writes, he does not want to change his content according to which site venue he uses. Jabiz says that one can get caught up in "likes,+1s, and Re-Tweets." Also, the art of creation becomes lost. He reflects in his post that regardless of what venue he chooses to use, or even that if he did not publish his posts, he exists; whether he writes, or shares his ideas with others. He wants to make that point very clear. And yet very thankful that there are ways in which to view and appreciate his work while provoking thought.
I would like to add that Jabiz makes me really think about his content. I feel one has to pay attention to what he writes to find the true meaning. Jabiz requires time to fully digest and appreciate his posts. This has been the second time that I have read and commented on his posts. I really feel he is nothing short of brilliant. He is careful in thought, and thorough in painting a mental picture. I have come to appreciate him as a wonderful philosopher and will stay in contact with his posts.
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