Sunday, July 17, 2011

Final Report on PLN


 This is my final report on my PLN for EDM 310. Although it is not my final use of my PLN.  I have had a good time exploring sites and including them on my Symbaloo account.  I have included a few more website tiles since I reported on my PLN a while ago.  Since I now know about Box of Tricks (which I am thrilled, really!), I have included a few of the sites from there as well. I can't wait to explore and add tiles to my account during my educational endeavor. I know without a doubt in my career as a teacher, I will have my students develop a PLN as well.  It can only be a positive tool for their educational development. I have realized that it it more than just a bookmarking site. It is a wonderful tool for organization.  And in this hectic and somewhat disorganized life I have, it has been a blessing.

C4T #4

The Calvary Has Arrived: Jabiz Raisdana 

The Intrepid Teacher, aka Jabiz, had a technical issue comprising of a hack job to his comments file. Jabiz panicked and said that he felt isolated and he did not know what to do. Through his network of "techie" friends on Twitter, he was able to locate and fix the problem. Jabiz said he could have Googled the problem, but through a much quicker resource, Twitter, he was able to solve the problem.  Or rather his friends could.  Although he says he has never met these friends, he knows how valuable his network connections are.
The saying "It takes a village to raise a child," could be applied to this situation. The "village" was the network.  Jabiz realized he was not alone and if he found a problem he could not solve, he knew he could look to his network of experts.  The technology resources that we have today, have made communication which could be spread out over thousands of miles seem like right next door. The problem that Jabiz faced and the way in which it was solved was truly an act of collaboration of a village.
holding hands
The Art of Creation

In his latest post, Jabiz writes about the latest social website, Google +.  He says it has caused him some anxiety.  Jabiz says he wants to stay true to his what he feels and writes, he does not want to change his content according to which site venue he uses. Jabiz says that one can get caught up in "likes,+1s, and Re-Tweets."  Also, the art of creation becomes lost.  He reflects in his post that regardless of what venue he chooses to use, or even that if he did not publish his posts, he exists; whether he writes, or shares his ideas with others.  He wants to make that point very clear.  And yet very thankful that there are ways in which to view and appreciate his work while provoking thought.
I would like to add that Jabiz makes me really think about his content.  I feel one has to pay attention to what he writes to find the true meaning.  Jabiz requires time to fully digest and appreciate his posts. This has been the second time that I have read and commented on his posts.  I really feel he is nothing short of brilliant.  He is careful in thought, and thorough in painting a mental picture.  I have come to appreciate him as a wonderful philosopher and will stay in contact with his posts.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Final Project #16

Our group project members consisted of myself, Kim Summers, and Gemini Sigler.  I had a really good time working on our fictitious third grade class newsletter project.  Exploring all the options in how this project could turn out was exciting with our budding knowledge of technological media.  I think we are all excited with our beginning multi media newsletter, and will continue to build on our knowledge base to make future publications for our classrooms. I believe creating a newsletter is something that can involve students, parents, and the community. It is a wonderful way to use technology in the classroom.  I appreciate the opportunity to have had this assignment.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Blog Post #13

Box of Tricks

This has got to be my FAVORITE site.  I really should not be so colorful in my description of what this site is, but it is the mother load of what I think every educator, parent, student, anybody who has a computer should have bookmarked.  What blows my mind, is that the person who put this site together, said it "...wasn't exhaustive." I don't even know where to begin in describing what websites are listed.  It almost seems easier to say what is not listed. There are few things that get me excited apart from talking about my daughter and horses, but this site has been added to my repertoire of excitement categories.

Top 10 Tips for Using Technology In The Classroom: Jose Picardo

This was an informative You Tube video on using technology when it helps achieve lesson objectives in the classroom. Without watching the video, the key points were as follows:
  • use streaming video
  • use music more often
  • use teleconference tools
  • create interactive exercises
  • make the interactive whiteboard more effective
  • create own podcasts in the classroom
  • start a blog or a wiki
  • use social networks
  • use internet tools
  • make the most of your pupil's gadgets (smartphone, ipod, etc)
These points can only enhance a student's learning.  Technology has replaced boredom in the classroom and has created excitement.  It is up to the administration and educators to channel this means of learning to students.  Technology in the classroom can be compared to the horse and buggy as a means of transportation, i.e., it got the job done (textbooks and chalkboards). Driving a car has made taking trips a lot more enjoyable (technology).

Blog Post #14 Media Fast

I participated in a media fast and I thought that it would be easy.  I was WRONG!  I thought that it would be so much more peaceful without the TV on as background noise.  I can say I can do without the TV, but I don't know if my little girl can go without Sesame Street! I managed to keep the phone off, and that was nice.  I did forewarn some people that I wasn't ignoring them, it was for a project.  And really, all the important people were around me.  This fast made me wonder if I could be Amish. Could I convert?  I already have a horse...alright, I am digressing.


I did wonder what the latest scoop was on Facebook.  I also thought whether I should check my EDM class blog. I didn't.  I thought the schoolwork could wait.  After all, this was a school project, the reporting would come soon enough. The time that I would have spent on the computer, I managed to cut the grass and wash three Labrador Retrievers while my little one was asleep.  I did look over at the closed laptop occasionally and wonder if it missed me. I think this was a amicable break up.  We are now back together obviously.
I am not tied so much to my computer as are a lot of people.  I think a younger, different generation will have a harder time participating in a media "fast." Children are used to being entertained by playing videos, watching movies, and reading books on Kindles.  I personally like to touch books and to flip pages.  I think I could handle a piece of chalk. The children may even wonder what chalk is. Wait, will there even be a chalkboard?

Monday, July 11, 2011

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Progress Report on Final Project


Kim Summers and Gemini Sigler are in my group.  We have been emailing and I believe the last idea was a digital newspaper.  We would each show a part of the newspaper with blogs, links to podcasts, and other relevant technological media for school. I hope to get this project almost complete by the end of the week.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Blog Post #12 Create an Assignment

old way to learn
My assignment proposal is what I had discussed with Dr. Strange when we had to watch "Mr. Winkle Wakes."  My idea was to interview an old teacher that we had (preferably in elementary school), or a principal of that particular school to see what has changed since we had attended.  The reason why I say elementary school is that for most of the students that would be a good while ago.  And if it was a REALLY LONG TIME AGO, (some teachers may either have died or retired, same with the principal) interview a teacher that is the oldest in length of time they have been teaching in THAT school. What has changed?  Are the children keeping up with technology? Are the teachers keeping up with technology?  Are they prepared to be students of the future?  Or is it still the same as what it was?  If you went to a school out of town, call to see if you can Skype. The educators at that school may want to use it to promote technology as well.  I see it as a win-win situation for both sides. If they can't Skype (a bad sign), take thorough notes and post a blog about the conversation and add your reflections to it.
The videos that we have seen are composed primarily of elementary school children using technology. These students seem so much more advanced.  I know that if I had in the late 70's and early 80's what the students have today in terms of technology, I would have been a completely different student. 
This assignment can really only be done during the fall and spring semesters.  Trying to contact anyone during the summer is virtually impossible.  My elementary school that I went to is a mile away from where I live.  I do have an interest in going to visit, so I do plan on carrying this assignment out. I think it would interesting to hear about what has changed since third grade. If anyone wants to know the year, it would be 1980. Please, let things have changed for the better.


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Blog Post #11

Little Kids...Big Potential

I am impressed with the technology content these first grade students are learning.  I thought about what I was learning to do when I was in the first grade.  There is just no comparison.  This video of Ms. Cassidy's first grade class in Canada was inspiring.  An educator has to embrace technology in order for education to be enhanced.  Although Ms. Cassidy started out with few computers and no programs, she has found ways to utilize these wonderful tools. Her students are writing blogs, playing educational games, learning internet safety and etiquette just to name a few skills. These students are also using fine motor skills in conjunction with the mouse. They have learned to collaborate. In layman's terms for first graders it could be called sharing. There is so much more than just technology utilization. These students are excited about what they are learning.  I believe that these kids will have a  great foundation on which to build.  I think I want to go back to the first grade, especially if it's like Ms. Cassidy's class.

Teach Someone Something Project #14

Time Management
How to Load the Dishwasher
How to Load the Dishwasher with a Toddler

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Special Assignment #2

Khan Academy

Khan Academy provides free tutorials and resources and practice exercises with self assessments.  The library of 2100 videos encompasses K-12 math, biology, chemistry, and physics.  Also other topics included are finance, history and statistics. Each category has sub-categories. If there is something that the student doesn't understand from their own teacher or book, Khan Academy will definitely get the concept across.  One has the "A-ha" moment with Khan Academy.  Sal, the instructor, is humorous and easy to understand.  His demeanor makes explanations make a student go "I get it now!"  In watching the tutorial videos, the viewer doesn't see Sal explaining. The viewer sees a cursor or pointer moving on the screen as Sal explains a concept.
Instructors should use Khan Academy as a resource to help explain content to students. Khan Academy should be bookmarked on every student's computer.  I think it has been the best tutorial web site I have ever used.
The video I watched was found in the Chemistry section.  It was "Introduction to the Atom: the Atom, Proton, Neutron, and Electron."  This video was so easy to understand.  I have watched other videos from Khan Academy for subjects that I have taken in college.  I know from personal experience that this has been a huge help for my comprehension. I will have my students use this site for more understanding and a go-to for help.


The thoughts that ran thru my head as I looked at what is available on iTunesU were "How cool is this?"  "OMG!", and "Why bother going to class?"  I felt like a kid in a candy store. The information that is available is astounding. From university lectures,audio from The Library of Congress, and learning foreign languages are just the tip of the iceberg! Choices are endless! I now understand why people constantly have earphones in.  I used to think they were listening to music.  I am now hoping they are listening to iTunesU. I will be using iTunesU to enhance my students' learning, and help to provide a more thorough knowledge base.
I watched "Introduction to Psychology" Defining Mental Illness.  This course surveys questions about human behavior.  I listened to it because I have an interest in psychology.  Here is the link.


TED is a website dedicated to free lectures on technology, entertainment, design, business, science, and global issues.  These categories are then broken further down into what type of message they are conveying. They can be persuasive, courageous, ingenious, fascinating, inspiring, beautiful, and informative.The concept of TED is " bring together the world's most fascinating thinkers and doers."  The lecturers are challenged to give the talk of their lives in under eighteen minutes.  I thought this site could be for the high school level student and  the college student. I could use TED in my classroom to provide another point of view.  I feel like TED is more like an editorial section of the newspaper.
I watched the lecture Conrad Wolfram: Teaching Kids Real Math with Computers. Wolfram says in the real world, we use computers for math.  In education, we do math by hand. Wolfram poses the question "Why are we teaching students math?" We teach math for technical jobs, everyday living, and for logical thinking (math teaches it).  He states that math liberation hasn't made it to education. He also says that it takes too much time to hand calculate.  The days of the horse and buggy are over and we need to use computers to speed things up.  Wolfram does say that math by hand is good for estimation.  It seems to be quicker.  The argument against using computers for math is that it may dumb math down.  The argument that Wolfram uses is that one has to know how to use the program in order to figure out the math. I enjoyed listening to Wolfram's viewpoint on the subject. It was interesting.

I wasn't surprised in having this type of assignment being assigned.  I knew about Khan Academy but TED and iTunesU were new for me.  I am going to use all three resources for my students.  I think they will appreciate having more tools that they can use to broaden their horizons.